Optimizing Treatment of Herbal Plant Using SOPHERBAL Android Application Fordward Chaining Method
The utilization of traditional herbal medicine among the inhabitants of Lombok is notably prevalent yet frequently hindered by a lack of comprehension regarding the efficacy of herbal remedies for specific ailments. Addressing this challenge, this study proposes the development of an Android application called ”sopherbal,” aimed at delivering personalized herbal plant recommendations via easily accessible mobile devices. Employing forward chaining methodology, the application identifies optimal herbal remedies based on ailment type, processing techniques, usage instructions, and recommended dosage and treatment duration. Notably, while effective in this context, the forward chaining approach entails certain trade-offs and hurdles. Previous research indicates that forward chaining facilitates
accurate recommendation generation, and it may be constrained by its reliance on predefined rules and limited adaptability to complex, evolving scenarios. Despite these challenges, the ”sopherbal” application, featuring 50 Sasak medicinal plants curated for 15 common ailments, achieved an 86% validation rate, affirming its efficacy in bridging the gap between traditional herbal knowledge and modern healthcare needs.
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