Author Guidelines

 This is the latest Author Guidelines for MATRIK Journal. Make sure to read all the guidelines before making any submission.

The author (s) is discouraged from withdrawing the submitted manuscript after it is in the publication process (review, copyedit, layout, etc.). Please note that MATRIK had spent valuable resources besides time spent in the process.

Please note that all manuscripts are subjected to a similarity check upon submission. The manuscript with a similarity score of more than 25% will be automatically rejected.

Here is the outline of the MATRIK’s Author Guidelines:

  • Category
  • Language
  • Format and Length
  • Structure
  • Authorship
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Research Method
  • Result and Analysis
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgement
  • Declaration
  • Heading
  • Equation
  • Table
  • Figure
  • References


The only category of manuscript accepted by MATRIK is the Research Article. Other categories, such as Review Article, Technical Paper, Conceptual Paper, and Case Study, are not currently accepted.


The manuscript submitted to MATRIK should be written in English. It is recommended that the author proofreads the article first before submission.

Format and Length

We provide the author(s) with a Generic Template for the journal. Ensure the manuscript has been carefully prepared according to the following requirements.

  • The manuscript should be written using Microsoft Word. The author can also write the article using LaTex, which is available on our website.
  • It is a single-column page format with a specific writing style and spacing.
  • The main body of the manuscript should be strictly divided into four main sections, i.e., Introduction, Research Method, Results and Analysis, and Conclusion, written in bold capital letters.
  • The manuscript length is 10 pages. If it has more pages, an additional author fee will be applied (IDR 50.000,00 per page).
  • The main sections should be at least 5000 words, excluding words in Abstract, Tables, References, Appendix, Bibliography, etc.


As a whole, the manuscript should contain these elements in the following order:

  • A research title with a maximum of 14 (fourteen) words;
  • Full name of the authors without decree and abbreviation;
  • Affiliation of authors (Department/University, City, and Country);
  • Abstract that follows the IMRaD (Introduction, Method, Result, and Discussion) rule;
  • Keywords, should be 4-6 words;
  • Corresponding author;
  • Main body (Introduction, Research Method, Result and Analysis, and Conclusion);
  • Acknowledgements;
  • Declaration;
  • and Bibliography.


In alignment with our mission to strengthen the education and research network, MATRIK does not accept manuscripts from a single author, as we believe collaborative contributions are integral to advancing interdisciplinary knowledge and scholarly exchange.

All contributing authors’ names should be added, and their names should be arranged in the correct order for publication. A correct email address should be supplied only by the corresponding author. Each author's full name must be present in the exact format they should appear for publication, including or excluding any middle names or initials as required. The affiliation of each contributing author should be correct on their individual author’s name.

The criteria of authorship are as follows: Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; final approval of the version to be published; Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.


  • It is a single paragraph of 200 to 250 words.
  • The abstract begins with broad facts about the research background (no more than two lines), followed by the problem, and adds more about the objective, method, results, and implications for the theory and practice.
  • Avoid mentioning detailed numerical results; Instead, highlight and emphasize the proposed research's main conclusion and implication.

In general, the abstract provides a pertinent overview of the work consisting of background (20%), purpose (15%), method (30%), result/findings (25%), and implication (10%).

Introduction Section

Make the introduction section as comprehensive as possible for the readers, especially those in the particular field of research.

  • 1st Paragraph: Begin with the existing body of knowledge, from a broader scope to a more specific area; highlight why it is important.
  • 2nd Paragraph: Provide state-of-the-art information, including previous related studies. There must be at least five recent studies. The author should analyze and explain the contributions of past publications to the existing body of knowledge.
  • 3rd Paragraph: After exploring the related studies, authors must articulate the specific gap in current knowledge that the proposed research aims to address. Highlight areas in literature where gaps or limitations exist. Next, authors must clearly articulate how the proposed research is novel and establish the unique contributions it brings to the field.
  • 4th Paragraph: Explain the explicit objective and contribution of the research.

Refer to at least 15 references (in total); cite the latest primary references, i.e., publications from internationally reputable journals and/or conference proceedings published approximately within the last 5 years.

Do not use up the manuscript length by over-detailing/describing a particular knowledge's basic theoretical ground (basic theory).

The numbering list inside the Introduction is not allowed.

Research Method Section

  • Provide structured and sufficient details of methods, techniques, and/or approaches used in the proposed study to allow the work to be reproducible (by other scholars) in the future.
  • For novel methods/techniques/approaches, describe them in detail.
  • For well-established methods/techniques/approachesdescribe it briefly. Cite a reference where readers can find it in more detail.
  • If quoting directly from a previously published method, use quotation marks and cite the source. If there are any modifications to existing methods, describe them sufficiently.
  • Indicate the participants observed, including demographic data, number of respondents, the rationale of respondent selection, etc.
  • Describe the design of the experiment in detail, such as the experiment procedures, surveys, interviews, observation characteristics, etc.

Result and Analysis Section

  • This section is a mixed-results discussion.
  • Emphasize more on presenting and discussing the main result.
  • Avoid extensive presentation of the following:
    • Raw (input) data.
    • Computation results obtained from step-by-step procedures in many tables and/or figures. Instead, summarize these results in a single concise and meaningful table/figure and draw the conclusion from it.
    • If either raw (input) data or those detailed results are to be presented, put it in the Appendix section. A maximum of a four-page appendix is allowed.
  • A discussion should interpret the significance of the main results/findings and not just repeat mentioning the result already shown in tables and/or figures.
  • For research on hypothesis testing, explain how the results relate to the hypothesis and provide a succinct explanation of the implications of the findings, particularly in relation to previous related studies.
  • Provide the name and version of any software used and clarify whether the computer code is available.

Conclusion Section

  • The conclusions should clearly answer the research objectives.
  • It does not repeat the Abstract.
  • Highlight the main findings (not detailed numerical results) and elaborate the research implications to the research domain (computer-engineering related domain) and to the general audience.
  • If the findings are preliminary, suggest future studies that need to be carried out.


MATRIK has two heading levels, namely the Main Heading and Second-Level Subheading.

  • The main heading strictly consists of the Introduction, Research Method, Results and Analysis, and Conclusion, written in bold capital letters. The numbering used in the main heading is 1, 2, 3, ….
  • The second-level heading is written in bold and capitalized in each first letter. The numbering used in the second-level subheading involves the numbering of the main heading. The demonstration is as follows:
  1. Research Method
    • Subsection 1
    • Subsection 2
  2. Result and Analysis
    • Subsection 1
    • Subsection 2
  • Acknowledgement and Declaration are part of the main heading, but they do not use a numbering list.


  • Write an equation using the equation editor only, not as plain text. Also, do not insert the equation in an image format.
  • Insert the equation formula at the nearest possible place to the text when it is first mentioned in the manuscript.
  • It should be mentioned in the main text as “Equation (...)”.
  • The equation formula is written center-aligned with the equation number placed right-aligned as (...).


  • Create a table in tabular format (table format); not as picture/image format.
  • Provide a table name/caption that is as short but descriptive as possible, as long as it represents all the information in the table.
  • It should be written in the main text as “Table ...”.
  • The tables must be mentioned or referred to in the text, before or after they are shown.
  • Locate the table at the nearest possible place to the text when it is first mentioned in the manuscript.
  • Ensure that any superscripts or asterisks are shown next to the relevant items and have corresponding explanations displayed as footnotes to the table.


  • It should be written as “Figure ...” in the main text.
  • The figures must be mentioned or referred to in the text, before or after they are shown.
  • Locate the Figure at the nearest possible place to the text when it is first mentioned in the manuscript.
  • Keep the Figure at the smallest possible size as long as all information it contains is of clear resolution and readable.
  • Figures created in MS Word and MS PowerPoint should be supplied in their native formats.
  • Electronic figures created in other applications (software) should be copied from the origin source.

The font size in the figure should be proportional to the size of the figure.


Headings for acknowledgments to institutions or people who have contributed to the research and references are not numbered. Research sources can be included in this section.


In the Declaration, there are three sections.

  • Author Contribution

The author contribution section contains the contribution of each author in this research. For example: "Name of Author 1, the first author, conceived and designed the experiments, performed data collection and analysis, and wrote the manuscript. Name of Author 2, the second author, contributed to the experimental design, performed statistical analysis, and provided critical revisions to the manuscript." And so on.

  • Funding Statement

Funding statements in research articles acknowledge the sources of financial support or funding that contributed to the research. For example: "This research is financially supported by the Directorate General of Strengthening Higher Education Research and Technology through the Beginner Lecturer Research scheme in 2023."

  • Competing Interest

A statement of competing interests in a research article discloses any financial or non-financial interests that may be perceived as influencing the research or interpretation of the research results. The following is an example of a competing interest statement: The authors declare no conflict of interest in this article.


  • Author(s) should strictly follow the IEEE reference style. The style should be carefully checked for completeness, accuracy, and consistency.
  • Include the DOI (whichever apply).
  • The total number of references should be at least 15 references.
  • Only journal articles and books are allowed as reference sources. Articles that may be cited are those sourced from Scopus-indexed international journals or at least nationally accredited SINTA 2.
  • Authors can also use proceedings articles as references, but the proceedings must be published in International Proceedings.
  • The use of the most recent primary references should be at least 80% of the total number of references (article publication of the last 5 years).
  • The use of Mendeley Desktop.


  1. Mendeley (Mendeley User Guideline)
  2. EndNote
  3. Grammarly

Journal Template

Template can be found here: Journal Template.