Quality Improvement for Invisible Watermarking using Singular Value Decomposition and Discrete Cosine Transform
Image watermarking is a sophisticated method often used to assert ownership and ensure the integrity of digital images. This research aimed to propose and evaluate an advanced watermarking technique that utilizes a combination of singular value decomposition methodology and discrete cosine transformation to embed the Dian Nuswantoro University symbol as proof of ownership into digital images. Specific goals included optimizing the embedding process to ensure high fidelity of the embedded watermark and evaluating the fuzziness of the watermark to maintain the visual quality of the watermarked image. The methods used in this research were singular value decomposition and discrete cosine transformation, which are implemented because of their complementary strengths. Singular value decomposition offers robustness and stability, while discrete cosine transformation provides efficient frequency domain transformation, thereby increasing the overall effectiveness of the watermarking process. The results of this study showed the efficacy of the Lena image technique in gray scale having a mean square error of 0.0001, a high peak signal-to-noise ratio of 89.13 decibels (dB), a universal quality index of 0.9945, and a similarity index structural of 0.999. These findings confirmed that the proposed approach maintains image quality while providing watermarking resistance. In conclusion, this research contributed a new watermarking technique designed to verify institutional ownership in digital images, specifically benefiting Dian Nuswantoro University. It showed significant potential for wider application in digital rights management.
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