Otsu Method for Chicken Egg Embryo Detection based-on Increase Image Quality
Detection of chicken egg embryos using image processing has limitations and needs some processes for improvement. By human vision, the previous process used binoculars and candling using light/beams directed at the chicken eggs in the incubator. In this study, we propose the application of image segmentation using the Otsu method in detecting chicken egg embryos. This method uses image segmentation with increased image quality (preprocessing) by several methods such as resizing, grayscaling, image adjustment, and image enhancement. These processes produce a better image and can be used for input in the segmentation process. In addition, this study compares several segmentation methods in detecting chicken egg embryos, such as thresholding, Otsu basic, and k-means clustering. The results show that our proposed method produced segmentation images to detect chicken egg embryos of 200 datasets images. This method has a faster process and can create a uniform segmentation than other methods. However, other methods can also detect chicken egg embryos. The method’s accuracy proposed in this study increased by 1.5% compared to other methods. In addition, the resulting SSIM value has a percentage close to and more than 90%, which means that the segmentation of the results obtained can be used to detect chicken egg embryos.
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