Implementation of Neural Machine Translation in Translating from Indonesian to Sasak Language
Language translation is part of Natural Language Processing, also known as Machine Translation, which helps the process of learning foreign and regional languages using translation technology in sentence form. In Lombok, there are still people who are not very fluent in Indonesian because Indonesian is generally only used at formal events. This research aimed to develop a translation model from Indonesian to Sasak. The method used was the Neural Machine Translation with the Recurrent Neural Network - Long Short Term Memory architecture and the Word2Vec Embedding with a sentence translation system. The dataset used was a parallel corpus from the Tatoeba Project and other open sources, divided into 80% training and 20% validation data. The result of this research was the application of Neural Machine Translation with the Recurrent Neural Network - Long Short Term Memory algorithm, which could produce a model with an accuracy of 99.6% in training data and 71.9% in test data. The highest ROUGE evaluation metric result obtained on the model was 88%. This research contributed to providing a translation model from Indonesian to Sasak for the local community to facilitate communication and preserve regional language culture.
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