A Novel Algorithm of Distance Calculation Based-on Grid-Edge-Depth-Map and Gyroscope for Visually-Impaired
This paper presented a new algorithm for determining the distance of an object in front of a stereo camera placed on a helmet. By using a stereo camera with a Sum of Absolute Difference with a Sobel edge detector, our previous Grid-Edge-Depth map algorithm could calculate the objects’ distance up to 500 cm. The problem started when a vision disability person used the device with an unfixed stereo camera angle. The unspecified angle caused by the helmet’s movement influenced the distance calculation result. This novel process started with calculating the distance from a Grid-Edge-Depth map considering unfixed angle data of the x-axis from a gyroscope sensor placed on the stereo camera using the trigonometry formula. The angle data used was the x-axis data. The distance measurement results by the system were then computed based on the unfixed angle compared to the actual distance. The test was carried out with three scenarios which required the user to stand at a distance of 100 cm, 125 cm, and 150 cm from a table, chair, or wall, with 30 tests for each scenario. The test results showed an average accuracy of 96.05% with three experimental scenarios, which meant that this machine was feasible to implement.
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