Clustering Couples of Childbearing Age to Get Family Planning Counseling Using K-Means Method
Couples of Childbearing Age (CCA) in the Madiun Regency have increased in the last three years. It caused the population in Madiun to overgrow with the newborn, which implies the economic, social, and environmental aspects. This study aims to cluster villages in Madiun with CCA case studies instead of birth control participants who will give birth and want children to determine the priority of getting Family Planning (in Indonesia, namely Keluarga Berencana/KB) counseling. K-Means clustering is used in this study because it has a linear space of complexity that can be executed quickly and easily. The result of this study is four (4) CCA clusters. CCA cluster 1 is a very high level of giving birth and wanting children, consisting of 7 villages. CCA cluster 2 is a high level of giving birth and wanting children with 119 villages. CCA cluster 3 is a medium level of giving birth and wanting children in 50 villages, and CCA cluster 4 is a low level of giving birth and wanting children, including 34 villages. So, cluster 1, which includes seven villages, is the most prioritized to get Family Planning counseling because it is the CCA cluster with the most birthing rate and wants children. This research obtained a silhouette coefficient of 0.42, which belongs to the medium level.
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