Pelican Crossing System for Control a Green Man Light with Predicted Age

  • Purnawarman Musa Gunadarma University
  • Eri Prasetyo Wibowo Gunadarma University
  • Saiful Bahri Musa Gorontalo Polytechnic
  • Iqbal Baihaqi Gunadarma University
Keywords: AgeNet Method, Ages-Predicted, Artificial Intelligent, FaceNet Method, Pelican Crossing System, Traffic light green man, Zebra Cross


Traffic lights are generally used to regulate the control flow of traffic at an intersection from all directions, including a pelican crossing system with traffic signals for pedestrians. There are two facilities for walker crossing, namely using a pedestrian bridge and a zebra cross. In general, the traffic signals of the pelican crossing system are a fixed time, whereas other pedestrians need "green man" traffic lights with duration time arrangement. Our research proposes a prototype intelligent pelican crossing system for somebody who crosses the road at zebra crossings, but the risk of falling while crossing is not expected, especially in the elderly age group or pedestrians who are pregnant or carrying children. On the other hand, the problem is that the average step length or stride length (distance in centimeter), cadence or walking rate (in steps per minute), and the possibility of accidents are very high for pedestrians to make sure do crossing during the lights “green man”. The new idea of our research aims to set the adaptive time arrangement on the pelican crossing intelligent system of the traffic lights “green man” based on the age of the pedestrians with artificial intelligence using two combined methods of the FaceNet and AgeNet. The resulting measure can predict the age of pedestrians of the training dataset of 66.67% and testing prototype in real-time with participants on the pelican crossing system of 73% (single face) and 76% (multi faces).


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How to Cite
Musa, P., Wibowo, E. P., Musa, S. B., & Baihaqi, I. (2022). Pelican Crossing System for Control a Green Man Light with Predicted Age. MATRIK : Jurnal Manajemen, Teknik Informatika Dan Rekayasa Komputer, 21(2), 293-306.