Lungs X-Ray Image Segmentation and Classification of Lung Disease using Convolutional Neural Network Architectures
Lung disease is one of the biggest causes of death in the world. The SARS-CoV-2 virus causes diseases like COVID-19, and the bacteria Streptococcus sp., which causes pneumonia, are two sample causes of lung disease. X-ray images are used to detect the lung disease. This study aimed to combine the stages of segmentation and classification of lung disease. This study in segmentation aims to separate the features contained in the lung images. The classification aimed to provide holistic information on lung disease. This research method used the Deep Residual U-Net (DrU-Net) segmentation architecture and the Deep Residual Neural Network (DResNet) classification architecture. DrU-Net is a modified U-Net architecture with dropout added in its convolutional layers. DResNet is a modified Residual Network (ResNet) architecture with dropout added in its convolutional block layers. The result of this study was segmentation using the DrU-Net architecture obtained 99% for accuracy, 98% for precision, 98% for recalls, 98% for F1-Score, and 96.1% for IoU. The classification results of the segmented images using the DResNet architecture obtained 91% for accuracy, 86% for precision, 85% for recalls, and 84% for F1-Score. The performance results of DrU-Net architecture were excellent and robust in image segmentation. Unfortunately, the average performance of DResNet in classification was still below 90%. These results indicate that Dres-Net performs well in classifying lung disorders in 3 labels, namely Covid, Normal, and Pneumonia, but still needs improvement.
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