Automated University Lecture Schedule Generator based on Evolutionary Algorithm
university is a complicated work so in the implementation it have violation of the constraints and it also takes a lot of time since it is created manually. In this paper evolutionary algorithm (EA) is used to create an effective and feasible schedules based on the real data input that is obtained from each department. The objective functions in EA contribute in gaining the fitness function to solve the constraints problem in the schedule by applying weighting for each hard constraints. The objective function is gained from the total of infringement in each soft constraints addition by score weighting. The genetic operator used in EA is stochastic variation Operator. As far as the reproduction operator is concerned, the tournament selection was used with size 3. Crossover operator is conducted after selection process with crossover probability equal to 0.05 and mutation rate is 0.1. The size of population was set to 9 and stopping criteria algorithm was left run for fitness value = 1. The simulation result shows that EA can create lecture schedules efficiently and feasibly. Moreover, it is also faster with the execution time of the proposed EA is less than 30 and easier than creating manually.
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