Employee Presence and Payroll Information System Using Quick Response Code and Geolocation
The presence in the institution still uses the conventional method of affixing a signature on the attendance sheet. Presences that have been carried out so far are felt to be less effective and efficient because sometimes attendance is filled towards the end of the month, which causes the validity of attendance data to be questioned. Even errors are often found in the recording, which causes the nominal to be inappropriate and must be revised. This research aimed to design an information system using the Quick Response Code to increase the effectiveness of employee attendance and payroll, supported by geolocation, to make it more efficient. The method used in this research was the waterfall method, using the stages of communication, planning, modeling, construction, and deployment. This research produced an information system that could make it easier for employees to attend, speed up determining employee salaries and filing financial disbursements, and increase employee presence and salary validity. The test results showed that 90% said they were satisfied with the performance of the system being built.
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