Sentimen Analisis pada Data Tweet Pengguna Twitter Terhadap Produk Penjualan Toko Online Menggunakan Metode K-Means
In this big data era, the use of social media often makes posts in his social media accounts in the form of opinions on events and things around him. One of them is making a post that gives an opinion on the events and items around it. One of them is making a post that gives an opinion on an item that has just been purchased, so that the effect is on other users who are connected to it. The more people who know it, then indirectly people will get to know the item. For that from the description of the problem above, this study raises an idea to make an analysis of social media sentiment which aims to provide a decision of consumer opinion on social media on sales products. As for the several stages of the method for the research, namely from the collection of data carried out by collecting existing data in tweets from social media Twitter using the R programming language. The data produces raw or raw data associated with sales items. With the K-means method as inputting, after each group is known from the K-Means output
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