Perbandingan Metode Backpropagation dan Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) Dalam Menggali Potensi Mahasiswa Baru di STMIK PalComTech
The Research aimst to compare backpropagation and Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) methods in exploring the potential of new students at STMIK PalComTech. Comparisons in this study involve four input variables used which consist of four basic subjects of informatics engineering and information systems (math, basic programming, computer networks and management bases) which then make informatics techniques and information systems as outputs, to get the accuracy level high in this study, the researchers used several variations of parameters which eventually produced the best accuracy of the two methods. From 120 data tested using variations in test data and training data which are then processed using variations in the learning rate parameters and epochs. From the test results obtained the level of accuracy of pattern recognition in the backpropagation method is 99.17% with a learning rate variation of 0.1 and epoch 100, the learning vector quantization method has an accuracy rate of 96.67% with a variation of learning rate 1 and epoch 20 From the results of the comparison the Backpropagation method is superior in terms of accuracy so that it becomes the right method to use in exploring the potential of new students at STMIK PalComTech.
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