Hostage Liberation Operations using Wheeled Robots Based on LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) Sensors
Hostage release operations require a high level of precision, alertness, and skill, which are carried out manually by soldiers of the Indonesian National Army. This medium presents a significant risk to soldiers. This research aims to improve the effectiveness of hostage release operations by integrating wheeled robot technology based on Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) sensors. The research method used is experiment-based in developing and testing a prototype of a mobile robot equipped with LIDAR technology and a web camera capable of mapping the location of hostages in three dimensions. The research showed that this robot has high accuracy, reaching 97.87%, and can create
three-dimensional route maps and display real-time video on a computer. The use of this technology has the potential to reduce risks to soldiers and improve the accuracy of mapping hostage locations, which can ultimately improve the safety and effectiveness of hostage release operations in the context of special operations tasks by soldiers of the Army.
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