Investigating The Effectiveness of Various Convolutional Neural Network Model Architectures for Skin Cancer Melanoma Classification
Melanoma is one of the most dangerous types of skin cancer. Since 2018, the number of skin cancer cases in the US has increased and exceeded 100,000. Melanoma is the third most common cancer in Indonesia, following womb cancer and breast cancer. Standard detection of melanoma skin cancer biopsy is costly and time-consuming. The purpose of this research is to build and compare melanoma skin cancer detection using various Convolutional Neural Network method. This research used four CNN model architectures methods, VGG-16, LeNet, Xception, and MobileNet. The dataset for this research is image data that consists of 9605 data divided into benign and malignant classes. The data will be augmented to increase its quantity. After that, the data will be trained using four CNN architecture models and evaluated using the confusion matrix. The result of this study is that Xception model has the best accuracy and the lowest loss, with 93% accuracy and 19% loss, with precision 93%, recall 93,5%, and f1-score 93%. Whereas the other model, VGG-16 gives 90 % accuracy, 27% loss, LeNet 89,7% accuracy, 28% loss, and mobileNet 90,8% accuracy and 22,5% loss.
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