Electronic Tourism Using Decision Support Systems to Optimize the Trips
Pagar Alam is a tourist destination city in the province of South Sumatra, which has many very diverse tourist destinations. The problem is that there is still a lack of information about tourism that tourists can access. This research aimed to build electronic tourism to make it easier for tourists to get the best information and recommendations about tourism in the city of Pagar Alam, which can be accessed anytime and anywhere, as well as improve tourist experience in planning their tourist trips because this electronic tourism platform includes decision making support system, which helps tourists manage their tours according to their needs and abilities. The research method used was analysis by collecting data by observing tourist attractions, calculating predictions using the simple additive weighting method, and from the results of testing with several alternatives, it can be concluded that electronic tourism meets the criteria chosen by tourists after being carried out. The calculation produced the highest preference value for tourist attractions, namely Tugu Rimau, with a value of 13.25. The highest preference value for hotels is Villa Gunung Gare Pagar Alam, with a score of 8.91, and the highest preference score for eating places is Warung Ridwan, with a score of 13.25. The next stage was system design using data flow diagrams, and the final stage was implementation by building electronic tourism using the CodeIgniter framework.
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