Comparison of Support Vector Machine Performance with Oversampling and Outlier Handling in Diabetic Disease Detection Classification
Diabetes mellitus is a disease that attacks chronic metabolism, characterized by the body’s inability to process carbohydrates, fats so that glucose levels are high. Diabetes mellitus is the sixth cause of death in the world. Classifying data about diabetes mellitus makes it easier to predict the disease. As technology develops, diabetes mellitus can be detected using machine learning methods. The method that can be done is the support vector machine. The advantage of SVM is that it is very effective in completing classification, so it can quickly separate each positive and negative point. This study aimed to obtain the best SVM classification model based on accuracy, sensitivity, and precision values in detecting diabetes by adding Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique (SMOTE) and handling outliers. The SMOTE method was applied to handle class imbalance. The Support Vector Machine (SVM) method aimed to produce a function as a dividing line or what can be called a hyperplane that matches all input data with the smallest possible error. The data studied were indications of diabetes, consisting of 8-factor variables and 1 class variable. The test results show that the SVM-SMOTE scenario produces the best accuracy. The SVM SMOTE scenario produced an accuracy value of the RBF kernel of 88% with an error of 12%, and this is obtained from the division of test data and training data of 90:10. This SVM-SMOTE scenario produced a precision value of 0.880 and a sensitivity value of 0.880. The research results showed that factor classification was more accurate if it is carried out using the support vector machine (SVM) method with imbalance data handling (SMOTE), and it can be concluded that the distribution of test data and training data influences a test scenario.
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