Analisis Makna Tanda pada Poster Film Perahu Kertas

  • Hasbullah Hasbullah Universitas Bumigora
  • Risyaf Kudus Pranasa Universitas Bumigora
Keywords: Paper Boats, Film Posters, Semiotics


The Paper Boat film is an adaptation of the novel by Dewi Lestari with the youth romance genre which was first published in digital form (WAP) in April 2008, until finally it was successfully published in a book and published in 2009 by Bentang Pustaka. Paper Boat itself is Dee's sixth novel and his first novel with a popular genre. Departing from the background that the researcher described, the researcher is interested in analyzing and dismantling the visual meanings contained in the film poster "Paper Boat" using Charles Sanders Pierce's semiotic analysis method. Because behind the visuals of course there are messages that the poster maker wants to convey, both in the icon, index and symbol. From the results of the analysis, the researchers found that in designing a film poster work (Paper Boat) the poster maker deliberately includes and includes components in the form of signs that have meaning to make a beautiful ornament and can convey the message to be conveyed in a design work.

Author Biography

Risyaf Kudus Pranasa, Universitas Bumigora

Social media is a means of sharing information, communication media, building networks and media to compete with competitors through content on the Instagram platform. The role of Social Media Specialist at PT Aseli Dagadu Djokdja is very important because it has a big share in handling social media content starting from determining ideas, production, content publication, to activation and collaboration. The working method used by the Social Media Specialist consists of four stages, namely pre-production, production, post-production, and weekly reports. The purpose of this research is to analyze the process of producing content reels on Instagram accounts, as well as analyzing the results of insights achieved by the content "Earth Day 2022" The data collection techniques used are interviews, field observations with participation and non-participation observation, documentation, and literature study. This research focuses on the production of 'Earth Day 2022' content on Instagram Reels @dgdindonesia and @yogyatourium. Content is said to be optimal if it produces insights that are able to reach audiences through the frequency of playing reels, the number of likes, shares, saves and feedback from audiences. From organic insights without boost-ads, it is said to be optimal if it can achieve a wide range of impressions with content interactions that are welcomed by the audience on Instagram @dgdindonesia and @yogyatourium. This content is expected to attract and provoke audience interest and connection to the content, especially to the DGD Indonesia brand.


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How to Cite
Hasbullah, H., & Pranasa, R. (2023). Analisis Makna Tanda pada Poster Film Perahu Kertas. Jurnal SASAK : Desain Visual Dan Komunikasi, 5(1), 49-56.

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