Optimization of SVM and Gradient Boosting Models Using GridSearchCV in Detecting Fake Job Postings
Online job searching is one of the most efficient ways to do this, and it is widely used by people worldwide because of the automated process of transferring job recruitment information. The easy and fast process of transferring information in job recruitment has led to the rise of fake job vacancy fraud. Several studies have been conducted to predict fake job vacancies, focusing on improving accuracy. However, the main problem in prediction is choosing the wrong parameters so that the classification algorithm does not work optimally. This research aimed to increase the accuracy of fake job vacancy predictions by tuning parameters using GridSearchCV. The research method used was SVM and Gradient Boosting with parameter adjustments to improve the parameter combination and align it with the predicted model characteristics. The research process was divided into preprocessing, feature extraction, data separation, and modeling stages. The model was tested using the EMSCAD dataset. This research showed that the SVM algorithm can achieve the highest accuracy of 98.88%, while gradient enhancement produces an accuracy of 98.08%. This research showed that optimizing the SVM model with GridSearchCV can increase accuracy in predicting fake job recruitment.
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