Power Efficiency using Bank Capacitor Regulator on Field Service Shoes with Fast Charge Method
Power efficiency is a key factor in military equipment, including field service boots used by personnel in various field situations that often demand durability and reliable electricity availability. This research focused on improving the power efficiency of field service shoes by using capacitor bank regulators and fast charging methods. By designing and implementing this system, this research aims to optimize the use of power sources, extend battery life, and improve personnel comfort in the field. The method used in this research is the fast charge method. The fast charge method enables faster battery charging, which is important in field situations with limited time availability. The findings of this research show that the capacitor bank regulator can keep the DC output stable despite instability in the input. The total power usage in the circuit is 0.20 W, and the power efficiency is about 60.61%. The research shows the potential of this voltage conversion circuit for efficient applications. Although it has not achieved maximum efficiency, the capacitor bank regulator can maintain output stability even in input voltage instability. This circuit can effectively cope with voltage conversion in various applications with further optimization.
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