The Utilization Of The Conjugate Gradient Algorithm For Predicting School Year Expectations By Province
Expected Length of School (HLS) is the length of school (in years) that is expected to be felt by children at a certain age in the future. It is assumed that the probability that the child will remain in school at the following ages is the same as the probability of the population attending school per total population for the current age. Length of School is also a benchmark for evaluating government programs in improving Human Resources that excel in the competition of technological advances. The purpose of this study is to apply the Conjugate Gradient Algorithm with the Best Performance for Predicting School Life Expectancy in Indonesia. Research data on the Expectation of Schooling in Indonesia consists of 10 Provinces obtained from the Central Statistics Agency from 2016 to 2021. This study uses 5 architectural models, namely 2-10-1, 2-15-1, 2-20-1, 2-25-1 and 2-30-1. Of the five architectural models used, the best architectural model is 2-3-1 with an MSE of 0.000000002 in two seconds. Based on this best architectural model, it will be used to predict the Expectation of Old Schools in Indonesia for the next five years, namely from 2022 to 2026.
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