Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

In order to maintain the integrity of the manuscript and prevent any instances of plagiarism during the publication process, the editorial board establishes ethical guidelines for the scientific Journal IJECSA. The publication ethics set out in this document apply to writers/authors, editors, partners/reviewers, and journal/editorial managers. The publication's ethics are governed by The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) based on the COPE Best Practice Guidelines.

The Ethic of the Author

  1. Report: The author needs to present a report to the editor that clearly and comprehensively outlines the research process and results. Additionally, the author must ensure that the research data is carefully and securely maintained.
  2. Originality and Plagiarism: The author must ensure that the manuscript is an original work, written by the author and not copied from other sources. Authors must include appropriate citation or quotation when writing references.
  3. Resubmission: When resubmitting, the author needs to confirm that the manuscript has not been previously submitted or published in any other journals. In the event that the manuscript is submitted to other publishers for reevaluation, the editorial board reserves the right to decline it.
  4. Status of the author: The author should update the editors on their qualifications and expertise in librarianship to ensure their status as a competent contributor in the field of published science. The corresponding author (co-author) is the one who submits the script to the editor. This allows for quick resolution of any issues that may arise during the publishing process.
  5. Error in Manuscript Writing: If any errors are found in the manuscript, the author should promptly notify the editor, including any mistakes in the review of results and edits. Mistakes such as inaccurately recording names, affiliations/agencies, quotations/citations, and other written content could impact the overall meaning and importance of the document. If that occurs, the author has to promptly suggest a revision of the manuscript.
  6. Disclosure and Conflict of Interest: Authors must be aware of disclosure and conflicts of interest in scientific publications in order to avoid any conflicts with other parties and ensure the smooth and secure processing of the text.

The Importance of Editorial Ethics:

Publication Decision: When making a decision about publication, the editor must ensure that the manuscript review process is transparent, objective, fair, and cautious. At its core, it enables the editor to decide whether the manuscript should be accepted or rejected.

  1. Publication Information: The publication information should be easily accessible and readable for authors and other parties, whether in print or online. Editors must ensure that the manuscript guidelines are readily available to all.
  2. Distribution of peer-reviewed article: The editor is responsible for distributing peer-reviewed scripts and ensuring that the reviewer understands the manuscript and the review process. They must also clearly communicate the provisions and guidelines for the review of the script to the reviewer.
  3. Objectivity and Neutrality: The editor must maintain objectivity and neutrality when editing the manuscript, without consideration of the author's gender, business interests, ethnicity, religion, race, class, or nationality.
  4. Confidentiaity: The editor has the responsibility of ensuring the confidentiality of all information, especially that which pertains to the author's privacy and the distribution of the manuscript.
  5. Disclosure and Conflict of Interest: The editor needs to understand publication ethics in order to disclose any conflicts of interest and avoid potential conflicts for others. Hence, the process of publication can proceed smoothly and securely.

 Ethical Guidelines for Reviewers

  1. Objectivity and Neutrality: The reviewer must ensure objectivity, neutrality, fairness, independence, and alignment with scientific truth. The manuscript review process is conducted with professionalism, without any consideration of gender, business affiliations, ethnic background, religion, race, social status, or the nationality of the author.
  2. Clarity of Reference Sources: The reviewer must make sure that the references and quotations in the manuscript come from reliable and appropriate sources. In case of any errors or irregularities in the references/quotations, the reviewer should promptly notify the editor so that they can be corrected by the author based on the reviewer's feedback.
  3. Peer-review: In order to be effective, peer reviewers must promptly respond to the editor's request and adhere to the predetermined maximum two-week peer review time. If more time is needed to review the script, the editorial board must be notified right away.
  4. Disclosure and Conflict of Interest: In order to ensure the smooth and secure publication of the manuscript, the reviewer should have a thorough understanding of the ethics of scientific publications and be mindful of potential conflicts of interest with other parties. This will help maintain integrity and transparency in the publication process.

 Publication Malpractice:

  1. IJECSA Journal will not tolerate any form of academic misconduct, including plagiarism, data fabrication, and improper authorship attribution.
  2. In cases of suspected misconduct, IJECSA Journal will investigate the matter thoroughly and take appropriate action, including retracting or correcting published articles.

IJECSA Journal strives to promote transparency and ethical practices in scientific research and publication. We encourage authors, reviewers, and readers to familiarize themselves with our publication ethics and malpractice statement to ensure the highest standards of integrity and scholarly conduct are upheld throughout the publishing process.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Standards for dealing with article widrawal, article retraction, article remocal, and article replacement on IJECSA Journal Policy can be found here.