The Performance Machine Learning Powel-Beale for Predicting Rubber Plant Production in Sumatera
This study aims to predict rubber plants in Sumatra; rubber plants have a relatively high economic value; rubber sap must be cultivated because it is a product of the rubber plant, which is the raw material for the rubber industry, so in large quantities. Therefore, rubber sap, the selling value will increase so that it can increase farmers' income. Rubber production in Sumatra experiences ups and downs; therefore, this study aims to predict rubber plants using the Powell-Beale algorithm method, one of the Artificial Neural Network methods often used for data prediction, implemented using Matlab software. That supports it. This study does not discuss the prediction results. Still, it discusses the ability of the Powell-Beale algorithm to make predictions based on datasets of rubber plant production in recent years obtained from the Central Statistics Agency. Based on this data, a network architecture model will be formed and determined, including 6-10-1, 6-15-1, 6-30-1, 6-45-1 and 6-50-1. The best architecture is 6-15-1, with the lowest Performance/MSE test score of 0.00791984.
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