Resource-based View Analysis in Building Competitive Advantage in the Small and Medium Enterprises Sector
In an era of globalization characterized by rapid technological developments and rapid changes
in consumer preferences, achieving and maintaining competitive advantage is a major challenge for
companies. The highly competitive business world requires every organization, both large and small, to
continue to adapt and design the right strategies to stay ahead in the market. The purpose of this study
is to analyze resources that have the potential to generate sustainable competitive advantage through
the Resource-based View approach to find out what resources Inifood has to get core competencies as a
source of Competitive Advantage. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with a case
study approach. The analytical tool in this study uses the Valuable, Rarity, Imitability, and Organization
Framework (VRIO) to achieve Sustainable Competitive Advantage. The results of this study found that
Inifood has four resources and one capability at the temporary competitive advantage level. Then, there is
one resource at the Unused Competitive Advantage level (unused/too expensive competitive advantage).
Finally, three resources and three capabilities are at the Sustainable Competitive Advantage level. This
research contributes to ensuring that this competitive advantage is important to maintain. This also can
be an implication for businesses that must manage, develop, and evaluate the 6 main advantages well and
make them the main focus.
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