Perancangan Buku Panduan Optimalisasi Social Media Instagram Design Berbasis Mockup Untuk Meningkatkan Online Engagement

  • bintang pramudya putra ma chung
  • Aditya Nirwana Universitas Ma Chung
Keywords: media sosial, template, instagram


The development of social media has become a new axis in the process of marketing a product to the public, the ability of social media to gather millions of users attracts the attention of business people to do marketing for their products more easily, quickly and cheaply compared to conventional marketing media such as placing billboards or do television advertisements. Even though social media offers various conveniences for doing business, there are still many small business actors who have not used social media or have difficulty using it to promote their products, the unfamiliarity of using technology is a big obstacle for those who are not used to it. The design thinking method is used to really understand the problems in the field and plan solutions based on the most appropriate and easy to understand approach. The existence of a template that can be directly used by business actors encourages the desire to start carrying out promotions to increase their sales, even though using templates makes it easier for business actors to promote, more alternative templates is needed to avoid the potential for design similarities during promotions.

Author Biography

Aditya Nirwana, Universitas Ma Chung

Ability of social media to gather millions of users has caught the attention of business owners. However, despite the convenience offered by social media, there are still many small business owners who either haven't utilized it or struggle to use it to promote their products. The main objective of this activity is to address the issue of many business owners not maximizing the use of social media due to design limitations. This research focuses on maximizing promotional design templates that can be used by business owners without needing in-depth knowledge of design. With the provision of an Instagram social media optimization guidebook equipped with templates, business owners will be able to promote their products more easily and quickly. Use of the design thinking method allows empathy in producing a guide and templates that are truly easy to understand and can be applied using simple devices like smartphones, without the need for expensive laptops or graphic software. The final template results, which can be used directly by business owners, encourages the desire to start promoting to increase sales. Despite the ease of using templates for promotion, more template alternatives are needed to avoid potential similarities in design during promotion.


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How to Cite
putra, bintang, & Nirwana, A. (2023). Perancangan Buku Panduan Optimalisasi Social Media Instagram Design Berbasis Mockup Untuk Meningkatkan Online Engagement. Jurnal SASAK : Desain Visual Dan Komunikasi, 5(1), 1-14.