Hubungan Kejadian Gastritis Dengan Riwayat Penggunaan Obat Anti Inflamasi Non Steroid (OAINS) Pada Pasien Yang Melakukan Pemeriksaan Endoskopi

  • Kintan Nandini Nirmala Putri Universitas Bumigora
  • Fitry Apriliany Universitas Bumigora
  • Muh. Wisda Praja Universitas Bumigora


Gastritis is defined as inflammation of the gastric mucosa, and one of its causes is the use of medications, specifically Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs). The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between gastritis incidence and the history of NSAID use. The research method employed is an analytical observational study using a Retrospective Cohort design, involving data collection from patients. Data were obtained through interviews with patients and their families, as well as the review of patient medical records during the period of February - May 2023. The statistical test used in this study is the Pearson correlation test. The study mainly included patients aged 36-55 years (46.43%), with 49 respondents being female (58.33%). The results obtained indicate that there is no significant relationship between gastritis incidence and history of NSAID use, with a p-value > 0.05 and an r-value < 1, indicating a weak level of relationship. The conclusion drawn from this research is that the relationship between gastritis incidence and history of NSAID use is weak.


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