A Kernel Logistic Regression Approach to Understanding the “Banyak Anak Banyak Rezeki” Stigma
Indonesia, the world’s 4th largest country with a population of 270 million in 2020, faces many challenges due to rapid population growth, including biodiversity loss and increased consumption of natural
resources. One of the cultural factors underlying the high rate of population growth is the perception of
“Banyak Anak Banyak Rezeki“ that develops in the community. This study aims to identify and model
the factors that influence the “Banyak Anak Banyak Rezeki” stigma and find solutions to overcome this
problem. The research method used was quantitative, with a sample of 384 people in South Sulawesi,
consisting of Bugis, Makassar, Toraja, and Mandar tribes. The variables studied include religiosity,
tradition, number of children, and cognitive dissonance. The analysis techniques used were logistic
regression (LR) and kernel logistic regression (KLR). The results showed that religiosity, number of
children, and cognitive dissonance had a significant effect on the “Banyak Anak Banyak Rezeki” stigma.
The accuracy of the LR model reached 87.01% and increased to 93.51% after using KLR.
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