Survival Analysis with Cox Proportional Hazard Model for Tuberculosis (TBC) Patients

  • Zahratun Nisa Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
  • Bobby Poerwanto Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Fahmuddin S Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
Keywords: Cox Proportional Hazard, Hazard Ratio, Survival Analysis, Tuberculosis


Survival analysis is a method in statistics which aims to analyze the relationship between time from the
beginning of observation until the occurrence of an event (response variable) with factors that have an
influence on the event (predictor variables). To determine the relationship between the response variable
and the predictor variable, where the response variable is the time until the event occurs, one method that
can be used is the cox proportional hazard regression method. The data used in this research is data on
hospitalizations of tuberculosis sufferers at Haji Makassar Hospital in 2022 because it has characteristics
that are in accordance with the aim of survival analysis, namely to determine the relationship between
the life span of TBC patients and the factors that influence TBC disease. The results of the analysis
obtained factors that significantly influence the recovery rate of patients with TBC are shortness of
breath and smoking habits. The shortness of breath variable has an influence on the recovery rate
of TBC patients, namely 0,3506, which means that TBC patients who do not experiencing shortness
of breath has a recovery rate of 0.3506 times the likelihood of recovery compared to patients who
experience shortness of breath. Variable smoking habit was 0.7367, which means that patients with
TBC did not smoking habit has a recovery rate of 0.7367 times recovered compared to patients who had
a smoking habit


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How to Cite
Z. Nisa, B. Poerwanto, and M. S, “Survival Analysis with Cox Proportional Hazard Model for Tuberculosis (TBC) Patients”, Jurnal Varian, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 77 - 86, Oct. 2023.