Finding the Factors Influencing the Severity of Traffic Accident Victims in Sleman Regency Using Ordinal Logistic Regression Analysis
Special Region of Yogyakarta (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, DIY) is well-known for its tourist, cultural, and educational attractions, but it also has a high accident rate. Sleman Regency is among the DIY regions with the greatest number of traffic accidents. According to Yogyakarta Police records, Sleman Regency had 1,825 traffic incidents in 2022, while 637 accidents occurred there in a short period of time in 2023, specifically from January to April. To stop the rising number of people injured in road accidents, this issue needs to be taken into account. The objective of this study was to examine the profile of traffic accidents that happened in Sleman Regency between January and April of 2023 and use the ordinal logistic regression method to find characteristics that influence the severity of traffic accidents. Sleman Regency traffic accident data was used in this study. The opponent's vehicle factor, with the category of four or more wheeled vehicles and non-motorized vehicles, is one of the elements that influences the severity of traffic accident victims in Sleman Regency, according to the study's findings.
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