Robust Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Toddler Pneumonia Cases and its Influencing Factors
Pneumonia is a disease that causes inflammation of the lungs and is one of the most common diseases infecting toddlers. As a directly infectious disease, there is a possibility of the influence of location diversity on the number of pneumonia sufferers. Robust Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression (RGTWR) is a method used to model data by considering the heterogeneity of location and time and to overcome outliers in the data. The data used is the number of pneumonia sufferers aged under five and the factors that are thought to influence it, namely the number of health centers, population density, percentage of children under five with complete basic immunizations, percentage of children under five who are exclusively breastfed 0-6 months, and percentage of poor people. This study was conducted to model pneumonia sufferers under five and to find out the factors that significantly affect the number of sufferers in each observation. RGTWR produces an optimal model with an R2 value of 99.9997%, a Mean Absolute Deviation of 21.6852, and a Median Absolute Deviation of 6.9661 compared to the Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression model. Variables number of puskesmas, percentage of infants with complete basic immunization, and percentage of poor population are factors that influence the number of pneumonia sufferers under five in most locations in 34 provinces and 5 years of observation.
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