Improved Chi Square Automatic Interaction Detection on Students Discontinuation to Secondary School
Improved Chi Square Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID) with bias correction is the development of the CHAID method by relying on Tschuprow's T test calculations with bias correction in the process of forming a classification tree. This study aims to obtain a classification of factors which influence students for not continuing their education from junior high school or equivalent to high school or equivalent. The results obtained in the classification tree produce nine classifications. Based on the results of the classification tree, the classification of students who do not continue their education to high school or equivalent is: students with disabilities who do not have access to Information and Communication Technology (ICTs) (0.89); students who work without disability but do not have access to ICTs (0.73); and students who do not work without disability but do not have access to in ICTs (0.60). Based on the classification obtained the factors which influence students for not continuing their education to high school or equivalent are access to ICTs, employment status, and persons with disabilities. The classification accuracy of the results uses the Improved-CHAID method with bias correction with a proportion of 80% training data and 20% testing data, namely 72.3033% on training data and an increase of 73.3300% on testing data.
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