Stock Price Index Prediction Using Random Forest Algorithm for Optimal Portfolio
With a majority Muslim population in Indonesia, Islamic capital markets such as the Jakarta Islamic
Index (JII) are a relevant choice because the JII is an investment index that complies with Sharia principles. This research aims to predict stock prices in the JII using the Random Forest (RF) algorithm and
form an optimal portfolio with the Mean-Variance Efficient Portfolio (MVEP) model. The data used is
the daily closing price of JII stocks from April 2023 to March 2024, obtained from the Indonesia Stock
Exchange and Yahoo Finance. The RF method is used to predict stock prices, with model performance
evaluation using Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). The results showed that the application of
ML with the RF algorithm in predicting stock prices produced very good predictions because the evaluation results using MAPE were in the 0%-10% range, namely a value of 2.522% for ACES shares;
1.222% for ICBP shares, and 0.760% for INDF shares. The optimal portfolio formed using MVEP
produces a stock composition with a weight of 7.64% for ACES, 22.46% for ICBP, and 69.90% for
INDF. The optimal portfolio’s estimated expected return and risk are 0.0546% and 0.0103%.
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