Analisis Kestabilan dan Usaha Pemanenan Model Predator Prey Tipe Holling III dengan Keuntungan Maksimum

  • Didiharyono Didiharyono
  • Muh Irwan UIN Alauddin Makassar
Keywords: Equilibrium point, stability, harvesting effort and maximum profit.


In this paper discussed Stability Analysis and Harvesting Effort at second Predator Prey Populations model Holling Type III with Maximum Profit. The step this research is to determine the equilibrium point, linearize the model, stability analysis of the equilibrium point, and numerical simulation. Result shows that obtained an interior point T  that asymptotic stable based on Hurwitz stability test then obtained maximum profit from exploitation harvesting effort of second predator prey populations. This second populations will always exist, even though exploited with harvesting effort done by humans. Harvesting effort of second predator-prey populations given maximum profit  that occur on critical points of surface profit function

How to Cite
D. Didiharyono and M. Irwan, “Analisis Kestabilan dan Usaha Pemanenan Model Predator Prey Tipe Holling III dengan Keuntungan Maksimum”, Jurnal Varian, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 55-61, Apr. 2019.