Rainfall Forecasting at Six Surabaya Observation Post using ARIMAX and Support Vector Regression (SVR)

  • Regita Putri Permata Institut Teknologi Telkom Surabaya
  • Rifdatun Ni'mah Institut Teknologi Telkom Surabaya
  • Andrea Tri Rian Dani Universitas Mulawarman


There is a seasonal element every year, with the dry season often lasting from May to October and the rainy season lasting from November to April. However, climate change causes the changing of the rainy and dry seasons to be erratic, so it is necessary to anticipate weather conditions. Prediction of rainfall is used to see natural conditions in the future with time series modeling. The rainfall modeling method at the six Surabaya observation posts used is the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average with exogenous variables (ARIMAX) and Support Vector Regression. The exogenous variable used is the captured seasonal pattern of rainfall. The SVR model uses input lags from the ARIMAX model and parameter tuning uses the Kernel Radial Based Function. Selection of the best model uses the minimum RMSE value. The results showed that the average occurrence of rain at the six rainfall observation posts occurred in January, February, March, April, November and December. The ARIMAX method in this study is well used to predict rainfall in Gubeng and rainfall in Wonorejo. The SVR input lag ARIMAX method is good for predicting rainfall for Keputih, Kedung Cowek, Wonokromo and Gunung Sari. Nonparametric methods are better used to forecast rainfall data because they are able to capture data patterns with greater volatility than parametric methods, one of which is the SVR method.

How to Cite
R. Permata, R. Ni’mah, and A. Dani, “Rainfall Forecasting at Six Surabaya Observation Post using ARIMAX and Support Vector Regression (SVR)”, Jurnal Varian, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 177-188, Jun. 2024.