Classification Of Perceptions Of The Covid-19 Vaccine Using Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline
Indonesia is one of the countries infected with the covid-19 virus. One of the government's efforts is the covid-19 vaccination. However, the covid-19 vaccination caused controversy for some people because many people refused to be vaccinated. Public perception of the covid-19 vaccine can be categorized into two, namely positive and negative, based on survey from Indonesia ministry of health about acceptance of covid-19 vaccine state that this can be influenced by many factors. These factors are important to know as an effort to increase acceptance of covid-19. Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS). The purpose of this study is to determine the classification model of public perception of the covid-19 vaccine and the factors that influence it. The method used in this study is Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS). This method is appropriate classification method to be applied to categorical response variable data, The outcomes demonstrate that the optimum mars model is produced by combining BF= 24, MI =3, MO= 1, and GCV=0.07340546. The resulting classification level is 91.5% with influencing factors yaitu gender (x_1), age (x_2), last education (x_4), willingness to vaccinate (x_6), education (x_8). Based on the results obtained, the government can consider these factors for socialization
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