Impact of SST Anomalies on Coral Reefs Damage Based on Copula Analysis
The condition of coral reefs in Indonesia is alarming. One of the influenting factors of coral reefs damage is extreme climate change. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship of climate change, that is Sea Surface Temperature (SST) anomaly index, and coral reefs damage in West, Central and East Region of Indonesia. The method used in this study is Copula analysis. Copula is one of the statistical methods used to determine the relationship of two or more variables, in which case the distribution can be normal or not. First, data is transformed into Uniform [0,1] domain. Then, Copula parameter is estimated to get significance parameter. Lastly, the best Copula that has the highest log likelihood value is selected to represent the relationship of data. The result indicates that percentage of coral reefs damage in West and Central Region has relationship with SST Nino 4, while coral reefs damage in East Region does not have relationship with any of SST Nino anomalies. In West Region, the best Copula represents the relationship is Gaussian Copula (parameter = -0.32); it concludes that the higher the value of SST Nino 4, the lower the percentage of coral reefs damage and otherwise. While in Central Indonesia, Frank Copula (parameter = -4.89) is selected; it does not have tail dependency so that the SST Nino 4 and the percentage of coral reefs in damage condition in Central Region has low correlation.
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