Estimating and Forecasting Jakarta Composite Index in Pandemic Era Using ARIMA-GARCH Model
Many industries have suffered financial losses as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic. The stock market's movement has been impacted by this circumstance. Due to the influence of some people, a large number of individuals with limited trading knowledge are attempting to participate in the stock market. Market volatility should be understandable in order to gain profit instead of having losses. Therefore, it's essential to comprehend the market of the future through analysis of the data. The purpose of this study is to use ARIMA-GARCH to predict the Indonesian stock market price during. The period covered by the dataset is January 2020–December 2022. The training data indicates that ARIMA (2,1,2) is the best model for ARIMA. The results showed that data residual fitted by ARIMA (2,1,2)-GARCH (1,2) exhibits heteroscedasticity, according to the residual analysis. The MAPE score is 2%, which is relatively small. It means that ARIMA (2,1,2)-GARCH (1,2) is good enough for forecasting the Jakarta Composite Index.
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