Comparison of R and GeoDa Software in Case of Stunting Using Spatial Error Model
Gorontalo city is the capital of Gorontalo province which has a high incidence of stunting. This high incidence rate needs to get attention because stunting can further become one of the indicators of the low quality of human resources in Gorontalo. One method that can be used to analyze the factors that cause stunting is the spatial regression method, namely Spatial Error Model (SEM). SEM model can analyze used R and GeoDa software. The purpose of this study is to find out the factors that affect stunting in Gorontalo City and compare the results of the Spatial Error Model analysis based on the results of R and GeoDa software. The results showed that there are two variables that have a significant effect on stunting incidence, namely the variable number of Complete Basic Immunization (IDL) and the amount of proper sanitation. The R and GeoDa software comparison results showed there were several similar outputs i.e. LM test output, parameter estimation and R-square value, while the different outputs were Moran's I test output, Breusch-Pagan test, and AIC value. Although Moran's I test output and Breusch-Pagan’s test are different, but they produce the same conclusion. The AIC value produced by GeoDa is smaller than R software.
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