Characteristic Estimator of Interval-Censored Binomial Data and Its Application
This study aims to determine the estimation of interval-censored data with a special distribution, namely the binomial distribution. This research is using quantitative methods, the steps are estimating parameters on the interval-censored binomial distribution using the Maximum Likelihood Estimation method. The second step shows the properties of the estimator on the interval-censored binomial distribution. The last is to determine the parameter estimation of interval-censored data from the binomial distribution in survival analysis and provide an example of research containing interval-censored observations which will then be used as a case study. The results showed that the estimator is a sufficient statistic, meaning that it is unbiased. The case study was conducted using interval-censored data regarding the study of ninety-four breast cancer patients to see which group survived longer (survival value) of the two treatments, namely patients who underwent radiotherapy alone and patients who underwent radiotherapy followed by adjuvant chemotherapy.
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