Expansion of Stock Portfolio Risk Analysis Using Hybrid Monte Carlo-Expected Tail Loss
Monte Carlo-Expected Tail Loss (MC-ETL) is the new expansion method that combines simulation and calculation to measure investment risk. This study models US stock prices using ARIMA-GARCH and forms an optimized portfolio based on Multi-Objective that aims to analyze the portfolio investment return. The next portfolio return will be simulated using the Monte Carlo (MC) method, measured based on the Expected Tail Loss (ETL) calculation. The optimized portfolio comprises 5 US stocks from 10 years of data, with the biggest capitalization market on February 25, 2021. MSFT has the most considerable weight in the optimized portfolio, followed by GOOG, AAPL, and AMZN, whereas TSLA shares have negligible weight. Based on the simulation result, the optimized portfolio has the smallest ETL value compared to its constituent stocks, which is ±0.029 or about 2.9%. This value means that the optimized portfolio is concluded as an investment choice for investors with a low level of risk.
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