Value-At-Risk Analysis Using ARIMAX-GARCHX Approach For Estimating Risk Of Bank Central Asia Stock Returns
Before buying a stock, an investor must estimate the risk which will be received. VaR is one of the methods that can be used to measure the level of risk. Most stock returns have a high fluctuation, so the variant is heteroscedastic, which is thought to be caused by exogenous variables. The time series model used to model data that is not only influenced by the previous period but is also influenced by exogenous variables is ARIMAX. In contrast, the GARCHX model is used to obtain a more optimal stock return data model with heteroscedasticity cases and is influenced by exogenous variables. This study uses the ARIMAX-GARCHX model to calculate the VaR of the stock returns of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. The exogenous variables used are the exchange rate return of IDR/USD and the return of the JCI in the period January 3, 2017, to March 31, 2021. The best model chosen is the ARIMAX(2,0,1,1)-GARCHX(1,1,1). VaR calculation is carried out with the concept of moving windows with time intervals of 250, 375, and 500 transaction days. The results obtained at the 95% confidence level, the maximum loss obtained by an investor is 1,4%.
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