Mathematical Modelling of Deforestation Due to Population Density and Industrialization
The focus of the study in this paper is to model deforestation due to population density and industrialization. To begin with, it is formulated into a mathematical modelling which is a system of non-linear differential equations. Then, analyze the stability of the system based on the Routh-Hurwitz stability criteria. Furthermore, a numerical simulation is performed to determine the shift of a system. The results of the analysis to shown that there are seven non-negative equilibrium points, which in general consist equilibrium point of disturbance-free and equilibrium points of disturbances. Equilibrium point TE7(x, y, z) analyzed to shown asymptotically stable conditions based on the Routh-Hurwitz stability criteria. The numerical simulation results show that if the stability conditions of a system have been met, the system movement always occurs around the equilibrium point.
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