Using SAPR Model for Solution of Social Poverty Problem Due to Covid-19 in Makassar City
This study aims to build an SAPR model on the problem of poverty, analyze the model, predict the
number of poverty rates in the city of Makassar, and determine the parameters that affect the decrease
in the number of poverty rates due to Covid-19 in the city of Makassar. This research is quantitative.
The population of this study is the number of people in Makassar City who are affected by the spread
of COVID-19, while the sample of this study is 400 people. The research stages are: Building the
SAPR model on the level of social poverty, determining and analyzing the stability of the equilibrium
point, determining the value of the basic reproduction number (R0), conducting model simulations
using Maple. The results shown that the mathematical model of SAPR which is a non-linear system of
differential equations can be a reference model for the problem of poverty; The results also shown that
the analysis of the social poverty level of the population finds two equilibrium points, namely the free
equilibrium point for the poor and the poor; the stability of the equilibrium point is free-poor and poor;
The basic reproduction number R0 = 0.426 indicates that the poverty level of the social population
can be controlled even though it has increased. Based on the model simulation, it was found that the
parameter in the form of business funding assistance from the government could reduce the poverty
rate due to the Covid-19 pandemic in Makassar city.
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