Determining Bullying Text Classification Using Naive Bayes Classification on Social Media
Cyber-bullying includes repeated acts with the aim of scaring, angering, or embarrassing those who are targeted Cyber-bullying is happening along with the rapid development of technology and social media in society. The media and users need to filter out bully comments because they can indirectly affect the mental psychology that reads them especially directly aimed at that person. By utilizing information mining, the system is expected to be able to classify information circulating in the community. One of the classification techniques that can be applied to text-based classification is Naïve Bayes. The algorithm is good at performing the classification process. In this research, the precision of the algorithm's has been carried out on 1000 comment datasets. The data is grouped manually first into the labels "bully" and "not bully" then the data is divided into training data and test data. To test the system's ability, the classified data is analyzed using the confusion matrix method. The results showed that the Naïve Bayes Algorithm got the level of precision at 87%. and the level of area under the curve (AUC) at 88%. In terms of speed of completing the system, the Naïve Bayes Algorithm has a very good rate of speed with completion time of 0.033 seconds.
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