Students’ Perception of Learning Strategy Using Grammar Translation Method in Reading Skill at SMA 2 PGRI Palembang
People communicate each other by using language. One of the international language used in countries
through the world, including Indonesia, English has become one of the subjects taught widely in this
archipelago country. In Indonesia English was the first foreign language thought in official learning,
starting from elementary schools until as s compulsory subject in high schools and universities. The
purpose of this study was to determine and describe students’ perceptions of learning strategies using the
Grammar Translation Method in reading skills.
The research method used in this research was used
qualitative methods. The subjects of this study were 34 students of 10th grade science class and two
English teachers at SMA 2 PGRI Palembang. The results of this study indicate that some students already
know what is learning strategy and this method in learning, especially in using the grammar translation
method and some students feels motivated in using this method. In addition, teachers also understand
what is learning strategies and they also used this method on the learning and teaching process because by
using a strategy material can be conveyed properly and made learning process more structured, easy to
understand. Using this method also can help achieve the language targets what students want to achieve.
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