Effect of Blended Learning to Learning of Informatics Management and Computer Science Students
learning style, online learning, face to face, online, e-learning
Online e-learning has become primary alternative learning in tertiary educations. Students can obtain learning information whenever and anywhere. However, lecturing and program should be combined between face to face and online e-learning presentations, in according to have effective presentation on mode, learning model and learning style are effective. Indonesia government has supported online e-learning in tertiary educations since 4 years ago. Although, there was opinion, that face to face conventional learning method was better than online learning, but other opinion declared, that online e-learning was proven more superior than conventional learning, at least in online e-learning, all students can control their pace learning. More importantly, many learners supported e-learning because of the superiority of e-learning that leaners can learn couses at home and any time. A data survey in this quantitative research, was collected to 63 students of Informatics Management and Computer Science of STMIK Bumigora Mataram, and revealed that: blended learning has 80% significantly from the ideal value to accommodate students learning style; there was no different influence learning style in blended learning between students genders; blended learning influenced till 85% from ideal value to students learning motivation; and there was difference students motivation between students of D3 study program and students of S1 Study program in blended learning.
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[16] Arlene. S.Opina., Jeanneath, DG. Velarde., & Alvin, S. Sicat. (2011). Blended Instruction at Centro Escolar University, Philippines. International Journal.org. ISSN:1944-6934, 4(8):93-99.
[17] Cook, David. A. & McDonald, Furman. S. (2008). E-learning is there anything about “e”?. Journal of Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, Volume 51, number 1 (winter 2008):5–21
[18] Andronie, Maria. (2012). ELearning as Part of Open Distance Learning. The 8 th International Scientific Conference e-learning and software for Education Bucharest, April 26-27, 2012, Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania
[19] Joyce, Bruce., Weil, Marsha., Calhoun, Emily. (2009). Models of Teaching. Pearson
[20] Norman, S. (2016). Traditional Education and Advantages of Online Learning. Diambil dari internet pada tanggal 4 Januari 2016 pada alamat https://elearningindustry.com/5- advantages-of-online- learningeducation-without-leaving-home
[21] M. Atwi Suparman. (Nov 2014). Teknologi Pendididkan Dalam Pendidikan Jarak Jauh. Universitas Terbuka, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Indonesia
[22] Dick, W., Carey, L., & Carey. J.O (2015). The Systemtic Design of Instruction. Pearson, United States of America
[23] Dina Indriana. (2011). Ragam Alat Bantu Media Pengajaran: Mengenal, Merancang, dan Mempraktikannya. Diva Press, Jogjakarta
[24] Kharb, Poonam., Samanta, Prajna Paramita., Jindal, Manisha & Singh, Vishram (2013). The Learning Styles and the Preferred Teaching Learning Strategies of First Year Medical Students. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research, 2013 Jun; 7(6):1089-1092
[25] Raza, Ahmad ., &, Murad, Hasan Sohaib. (2008). Knowledge democracy and the implications to information access. Multicultural Education & Technology Journal. 2008; 2(1):37–46.
[27] Liyana Binti Ahmad Afip. (2014). Motivating Adult Learners Using Blended Learning In Higher Education Institution. Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce. EISSN2229-4686-ISSN2231-4172
[28] Agosto, Denise. E., Copeland, Andrea. J., & Zach, Lisl. (2013). Testing the Benefits of Blended Education: Using Social Technology to Foster Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing in Face-To- Face LIS Courses. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, Vol. 54, No. 2— (Spring) April 2013, ISSN: 0748-5786 © 2013 Association for Library and Information Science Education
[2] Clark, Tom., & Barbour, Michael. K. (2015). Online, Blended, and Distance Education in Schools: Building Successful Program.Stylus Publishing, United States of America
[3] Liu, Anita., Hodgson, Geoff., & Lord, Wayne. (2010). Innovation in Construction Education: The Role of Culture in E-Learning. Journal of Architectural Engineering and Design Management. Volume 6, 91- 102.
[4] Quinn, Robert. D. (2011). E-learning in Art Education: Collaborative Meaning Making Through Digital Art Production. Journal of Art Education. Juli 2011
[5] Ramírez-Correa, Patricio. E., Arenas-Gaitán, Jorge. RondánCataluña, F.Javier. (2015).Gender and Acceptance of E-Learning: A Multi-Group Analysis Based on a Structural Equation Model among College Students in Chile and Spain. PLoS ONE 10(10): e0140460. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0140460
[6] Anglin, Gary. J. (2011). Instructional Technology: Past, Present and Future. ABC-CLIO, California, United States of America.
[7] Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., & Zvacek, S. (2012). Teaching and Learning at a Distance: Foundation of Distance Education. Pearson, Boston, United States of America
[8] Roblyer, Margaret. D., & Doering, Aaron. H. (2010). Integrating Educational Technology in Teaching. Pearson Education, Inc, Boston, United States of America
[9] Varkonyi, Irvin . (Feb 2012). Hybrid Education: Combining the Benefits of Face to Face Learning with Online Distance Learning. Defence Transportation Journal; Washington: 22-23, 28
[10] Herman Dwi Surjono. (2015). Adaptive and Engaging E-learning: Inovasi Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi Dalam Pendidikan Jarak Jauh. Diambil dari internet tanggal 20 Maret 2017 pada alamat https://uny.ac.id/rubrik-tokoh/profherman-dwi-surjono-phd.html
[11] Permendikbud-RI. (2012). Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 24 Tahun 2012 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Jarak Jauh Pada Pendidikan Tinggi. Mendikbud, Jakarta.
[12] Permendikbud-RI. (2013). Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 109 Tahun 2013 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Jarak Jauh Pada Pendidikan Tinggi. Mendikbud, Jakarta.
[13] RistekDikti. (2017). Paduan Hibah: Penyelenggaraan Sistem Pembelajaran Daring (SPADA) Indonesia 2017. SPADA Indoenesia
[14] Wikipedia (2017). Pendidikan Jarak Jauh. Diambil tanggal 20 Maret 2017 dari alamat https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pendidi kan_jarak_jauh
[15] Krol, Sylwia. (2016). E-learning as an Innovative Method of Education. World Scientific News. WSN 48(2016), 178-182
[16] Arlene. S.Opina., Jeanneath, DG. Velarde., & Alvin, S. Sicat. (2011). Blended Instruction at Centro Escolar University, Philippines. International Journal.org. ISSN:1944-6934, 4(8):93-99.
[17] Cook, David. A. & McDonald, Furman. S. (2008). E-learning is there anything about “e”?. Journal of Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, Volume 51, number 1 (winter 2008):5–21
[18] Andronie, Maria. (2012). ELearning as Part of Open Distance Learning. The 8 th International Scientific Conference e-learning and software for Education Bucharest, April 26-27, 2012, Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania
[19] Joyce, Bruce., Weil, Marsha., Calhoun, Emily. (2009). Models of Teaching. Pearson
[20] Norman, S. (2016). Traditional Education and Advantages of Online Learning. Diambil dari internet pada tanggal 4 Januari 2016 pada alamat https://elearningindustry.com/5- advantages-of-online- learningeducation-without-leaving-home
[21] M. Atwi Suparman. (Nov 2014). Teknologi Pendididkan Dalam Pendidikan Jarak Jauh. Universitas Terbuka, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Indonesia
[22] Dick, W., Carey, L., & Carey. J.O (2015). The Systemtic Design of Instruction. Pearson, United States of America
[23] Dina Indriana. (2011). Ragam Alat Bantu Media Pengajaran: Mengenal, Merancang, dan Mempraktikannya. Diva Press, Jogjakarta
[24] Kharb, Poonam., Samanta, Prajna Paramita., Jindal, Manisha & Singh, Vishram (2013). The Learning Styles and the Preferred Teaching Learning Strategies of First Year Medical Students. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research, 2013 Jun; 7(6):1089-1092
[25] Raza, Ahmad ., &, Murad, Hasan Sohaib. (2008). Knowledge democracy and the implications to information access. Multicultural Education & Technology Journal. 2008; 2(1):37–46.
[27] Liyana Binti Ahmad Afip. (2014). Motivating Adult Learners Using Blended Learning In Higher Education Institution. Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce. EISSN2229-4686-ISSN2231-4172
[28] Agosto, Denise. E., Copeland, Andrea. J., & Zach, Lisl. (2013). Testing the Benefits of Blended Education: Using Social Technology to Foster Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing in Face-To- Face LIS Courses. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, Vol. 54, No. 2— (Spring) April 2013, ISSN: 0748-5786 © 2013 Association for Library and Information Science Education