Aplikasi Pengolahan Data Nilai Rapor Pada Sekolah Menengah Pertama

  • Halimatussakdiah Halimatussakdiah
  • Suriyati Suriyati
Keywords: Application Data Processing, Waterfall Method, Raport Value


Information Technology at this time has grown rapidly, not least in the world of education. School is one of the organizational means in providing services to the public in the field of education. One of the most important parts of a school is the student and the value of the student. In one school there are hundreds of students and each has different values. Not infrequently the storage value of students recorded and stored conventionally. So it requires a relatively long time in the process. Development of Data Processing Application Student Raport Value at SMPN 2 Sakra Barat provides application to manage and calculate student's value. This application there is data collection of students, teachers, classes and calculation of student grades in the form of report cards. This study aims to provide a solution of the problem. Data Processing Application of Student Raport Value at SMPN 2 Sakra Barat using VB.Net 2010 programming language and using MySQL as database. Development method using Waterfall method. Some concluded that Application Data Processing Student Raport Value at SMPN 2 Sakra Barat can help teachers as teachers to manage, calculate and recap student value in the form of report cards.


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