Implementasi Metode Perbandingan Eksponensial dalam Menentukan Peringkat Objek Wisata Alam Di Lombok

  • Fransdika Dharmawan
  • Ismarmiaty Ismarmiaty
Keywords: tourism, tourist, attraction, Exponential Comparison Method


Lombok Island is one of the tourist destinations that are included in the golden triangle of Indonesian tourism. Many things become the factor of the level of tourist satisfaction to the tourist attraction in visiting a tourist attraction, so the evaluation of a tourist attraction by the Department of Tourism is needed in maintaining the condition of every tourist attraction. Therefore, there needs to be a support system that can help the Tourism Department in evaluating and optimizing the condition of natural attractions in the Lombok Island. This research is based on the condition of tourist attraction to the satisfaction of tourists and the system used. In this case, the scope of tourists are local tourists. Designing and Making Applications using Waterfall methodology, which is the method of developing software that begins with Analyze the needs of the company, make designing, build applications with tools, and test it on users, as well as with the help of Exponential Comparison Methods in making a decision support system.The results achieved is a list of attractions that have been sorted according to the calculation of the system, where the results can already be used as a consideration for the selection of tourist attractions for tourists, or as an evaluation process undertaken by the Department of Tourism.


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