Perancangan Sistemenkripsi Citra Digital dengan Algoritma Fungsi Hash Md5
MD5 Hash function, hash value, message digest, bitmap
This application to find out how the algorithm Hash MD5 function to the input of bitmap image in the process of forming its hash value, perform the validation process of the image based on the hash value inserted in the picture, know the computing time to change the size of input image file, and build a desktop application. MD (Message Digest) version 5 is a widely used cryptographic hash function by processing the input file size indeterminate in length and generating 128-bit hash values. This research uses experimental method by designing and testing the design on computer. The design that is made is a desktop application to implement the Hash MD5 Function algorithm. The results showed that the pixel value of the bitmap image input is an input in the form of hexastream, the MD5 hash function algorithm regardless of the size of the input file will get the output of the hash value. The process of validating the authenticity of the image is done by comparing the hash value inserted in the image with the result hash value. View from the comparison of the original image with the image of the process, we get the difference of the image error which states that there is a change due to the insertion of the hash value. Computation time of MD5 hash value formation process to image file input size is not the same thing caused by change of input image file size significantly.
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[2] Dody, Andreanus., Suprihadi., Latuperissa, Rudy., 2011. Sistem Pengamanan Data Menggunakan Metode MD5 dan Private Key pada Aplikasi Berbasis Client Server (Studi Kasus : KSP Buah Hati Bawen). Jurnal Teknologi Informasi-Aiti, Vol 8. No 2, 101 – 200.
[3] Danim, S. 2002. Menjadi Peneliti Kualitatif.Pustaka Setia, Bandung.
[4] Perdana, AdyaRahmat. 2008. MetodePenyandianPesandanMenjagaIntegr itas Data MenggunakanKriptografiAlgoritmafungsi Hash MD5. Teknik Informatika, UniversitasSriwijaya. Kadir, Abdul. 2003. Pengenalan Sistem Informasi.Andi Offset, Yogyakarta.
[5] Winarno, Edy. 2009. Penyandian Data Dengan Kriptografi Password Based Encryption Menggunakan Message Digest 5 Dan Data Encryption Standart. 145, 2085- 3343.
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