Penilaian Kalkulus Berdasarkan Fuzzy Inference System (StudiKasus di STMIK BumigoraMataram)

  • Habib Ratu Perwira Negara
  • Desventri Etmy
  • Kiki Riska Ayu Kurniawati
Keywords: FIS, mamdani method, achievement, decision making


The aims of this research was to take a decision in determining student achievement of Informatics Engineering Program STMIK BumigoraMataram on first semester academic year 2016/2017 in calculus based on Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) with mamdani method. The mamdani method was included in the softcomputing category which was a branch of fuzzy logic. This method can process data in linguistic form or data that was uncertain. Stages of the mamdani method include fuzzification, application of implication function, rule composition, and defuzzification. The input data used consisted of assignment value, mid exam, and final exam which was the reference point on S1 Informatics Engineering Department STMIK BumigoraMataram. The data were obtained by using random sampling proportion technique, that was taking 25% from 210 students. The data was analyzed using matlab program aid based on the next method of mamdani, and the result will be compared with manual calculation to determine a decision about student achievement of S1 Program of Informatics Engineering.The results of this research indicated that FIS with mamdani method can be used to build decision support system of student achievement assessment. Furthermore, the calculation obtained was there are 32 differences in student achievement outputs and 19 outputs of the same student achievement. This difference was due to the fuzzy rating system using many strict rules, so the calculation was more accurated.


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